Creating a Futsal program or adding one to existing programming can take different forms with varying degrees of effort and resource requirements. The type of programming may range from Academy/Clinic style, intramural/intra-club games, jamboree/festival/tournament events, recreational/developmental leagues to fully competitive leagues.
In all cases, clubs and leagues are strongly encouraged to work with Montana Youth Soccer to understand, verify and comply with registration, affiliation and insurance requirements and coverage.
Establishing a program, regardless of level and targeted outreach, will require identifying and securing an appropriate facility, acquiring Futsal-specific equipment including goals and balls, administrative resources to manage marketing, registration, scheduling, compliance, fees and policies, referee training and assignment, financial reporting, rules of competition, etc. as needed.
Futsal is designed to be played on a hard surface. If Futsal-specific courts are not available, basketball courts with either wood or all-purpose playing surfaces are commonly used and widely accessible. Repurposed basketball and tennis courts are options for outdoor play. Public and private schools, YMCAs, college and commercial athletic facilities and municipal recreation facilities are possible sources of court space.

- Balls are specially constructed for low-bounce and come in two sizes
- “Junior” (equivalent to a standard size 3 soccer ball) for age 12 and under
- “Senior” (size 4 equivalent) for age 13 and older
- Futsal goal is 2m x 3m (6’6’’ x 9’ 10”)
- Goals are available from many vendors as pop-up, portable or permanent, at various price points
- Other items:
- Soccer- cones, pinnies and other training aids.
Administrative Resources
As with any youth sports program, there will be a degree of administration required. For new organizations, governance and administrative infrastructure would need to be created and documented.
Some items to be considered:
- Fee structure and administrative policies
- Registration/web platform
- Marketing and Communication
- Financial reporting and oversight
- Compliance oversight
- Training curriculum/Coach education*
- Rules of competition
- Scheduling
- Referee recruitment and assignment**
- Post-season/Playoff structure (if applicable)
*Curriculum/Coach education: Montana Youth Soccer’s Director of Coaching, Ric Plante, can help by providing direction and materials. United Futsal and United Soccer Coaches both also offer written and online Futsal certificates, as do other organizations.
**Referee recruitment and assignment: knowledgeable, Futsal-certified referees are a key component to the growth and success of league and tournament play. The Montana State Referee Committee can provide your Assignor with contacts for Futsal-certified referees as well as training and certification opportunities.
How Can Montana Youth Soccer help develop your Futsal Program?
MYSA can help at any stage of your Futsal program planning, development and launch.
- MYSA can connect you to clubs with pre-existing Futsal programming for competition opportunities.
- MYSA can suggest and share different Futsal models.
- MYSA can provide guidance around next steps to make your effort successful.
- MYSA can help you meet insurance requirements to ensure your program is safe and set up for success in accordance with MT Safe Soccer.
- MYSA can provide coaching and referee certifications, plus other resources.
For further info please contact